Dr Ivar Fahsing
The Psychology of Investigations
Dr Ivar Fahsing
The Psychology of Investigations
Ivar Fahsing
Detective and Forensic Pyschologist
Ivar Fahsing
Detective and Forensic Pyschologist
Ivar A. Fahsing (PhD) is a Detective Chief Superintendent and Associate Professor at the Norwegian Police University College. He is also a visiting professor at the Norwegian Centre of Human Rights, Faculty of Law, and the University of Oslo. He has 15 years of experience as a senior detective in the Oslo Police department and at the National Criminal Investigation Service of Norway. He is also Vice-President of the Law division of the Global Listening Centre. 20 years ago he was a central figure behind why and how the Norwegian Police reformed the way they did interviews and interrogations - now he is involved in doing the same on the global stage. His doctoral research, The Making of an Expert Detective, contributed to a completely new mindset amongst Norwegian detectives - this work has also taken on globally. Currently, he is co-authoring the UNPOL manual on investigative interviewing and the new UNODC e-learning programme on investigative interviewing. He was also on the Advisory Council for the Principles on Effective Interviewing (The Mendez principles). Dr. Fahsing has published widely in the field of investigative management and decision-making, investigative interviewing, detective expertise, knowledge management and organised crime. He is used as an expert witness in courts and has for many years been involved in transformation work and training in Scandinavia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Brazil, the United Nations, etc. The core idea in these involvements is how errors of justice, and the use of torture can be reduced and how dignity and human rights can be promoted through education, science and better investigations.
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